Song Yan knew that it was because of the hot pot in the flower room that his mother was wronged to death. He put all the responsibility on the Hua family, and he also wanted to use this dish to push the Hua family into the abyss of death. The Huajian Warming Pot was given a new name called Fushou Mantang, which was also in response to the scene of holding a birthday banquet for the emperor. Song Yan called everyone together to taste it. Everyone felt that this dish was suitable as a main dish. Hua Yinan asked Tang Yingying about the origin of this dish. Tang Yingying did not tell the truth, but said that it came from an expert's advice. Hua Yinan took the opportunity to ask Song Yan where Yufeng was going. Song Yan said that Yufeng was bitten by a dog in Huajian Island on the street and has now returned to the capital for treatment. Hua Yinan said tit for tat that Huajian Island The dog has always been gentle and kind. If he gets angry and bites someone, it must be the person who should be bitten. Hua Yuman didn't know why, and said that he found the dog and killed it, so don't make the Sixth Highness angry.

Tomorrow is the day when the emperor will visit Huajian Island in person. Hua Yinan reminded everyone to do all the preparatory work. Everyone led the way, and Huajian Pavilion started to get busy. Du Ruo was taking a break from his busy schedule, sitting alone in the backyard in a daze, holding the little daisy that Tang Yingying gave him in his hand, Su Tang paid attention to Du Ruo's whereabouts, and came to talk to him with wine on purpose. Caiqinghuan was returned to him, Su Tang angrily took it off and threw it to him. Only then did Du Ruo tell the truth. Su Tang always wore Caiqinghuan by her side, which meant that she was interested in Du Ruo. Du Ruo said After reading the flower language of the little daisy, that is the indescribable love, he confessed to Su Tang, and Su Tang also responded and was willing to go with Du Ruo to the south and the north. together.

Tang Yingying prepared the main course, and finally took out the medicine and sprinkled it in the pot. Then she came to Hua Yinan's study with a letter, and saw Hua Yinan's profile of reading through the crack of the door, and her heart was full. Since she was infinitely sad, she didn't have the courage to go in, fearing that she would be lost in Hua Yinan's tenderness, and finally put down the letter and knocked on the door to leave. Unexpectedly, Nan Ze took the letter first and waited for Hua Yinan. When Yinan opened the door, there was no one outside.

Nan Ze took the letter and reported to Song Yan that it was Tang Yingying who betrayed him. Tang Yingying did not put the poison in the hall, but put the ordinary Xiaoshi powder, and he put the poison in it. Song Yan was even more furious when she saw Tang Yingying's letter to Hua Yinan. Tang Yingying wrote in the letter that she was not the real Lu Yueer, and she didn't want to use this status to accept his love, and said that Drinking under the sun and the moon, she fell in love with Hua Yinan, and only then did she tell the truth. She also reminded Hua Yinan to be more careful during the birthday banquet. Song Yan gritted her teeth and came to Master Tang Yingying to ask her guilt and asked her why she betrayed her. Tang Yingying simply replied that she knew that she was being used by him. Song Yan was going to have Tang Yingying taken away, but Nan Ze stopped him in time. Luo is on Tang Yingying's body, and he will handle it.

The emperor came to Huajian Island, and everyone knelt down to welcome the arrival of the saint. After the emperor asked about the situation, the birthday banquet officially began. Song Yan felt that everything was going according to his plan, and couldn't help being proud of himself. He specially introduced the birthday banquet to the emperor. After preparing for the situation, he praised Huajian Pavilion. His purpose is also very direct, that is, the higher the hold, the harder the fall, and then he specially introduced the dish of Fushou Mantang. Taste, there is no need to check whether it is poisonous or not. Seeing that the plan failed, Song Yan's subordinates came forward and whispered to him. Song Yan shouted to stop the emperor from eating the dish, saying that the dish was poisonous and made people take the flower. Yinan and Hua Yuman, the chef who made this dish has been absconded, and she is Hua Yinan's wife Lu Yueer, Hua Yuman was so frightened, Hua Yinan was very calm.

After the examination by the imperial doctor, the dish was found to be non-toxic, and Hua Yinan stood up to expose Song Yan's plan, which made Song Yan unexpected. Fortunately, after his subordinates took the blame for him and committed suicide, Song Yan was freed from suspicion. At this time, the emperor Ask Hua Yinan about Lu Yueer's situation, but at this time Lu Yueer has been sealed by Nan Ze, and Nan Ze also took out the seven-leaf boulder on her body.


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