• 詞 Lyrics / 曲 Composed :五月天阿信 Mayday Ashin

下雨了  雨停了  天晴了  又黑了

xia yu le   yu ting le   tian qing le   you hei le

It’s raining. It stops raining. It’s sunny. It’s dark.


tian kong cong bu wei shui er wei lan

The sky is never blue for anyone


shi guang cong bu wei shui er deng dai

Time never waits for anyone

而你  只能為你自己存在

er ni   zhi neng wei ni zi ji cun zai

And you can only exist for yourself.

你迂迴  你徘徊  你期待  你深愛

ni yu hui   ni pai huai   ni qi dai   ni shen ai

You detour, you wander, you expect, you love. 


yong jin yi chang qing chun de hun luan

Exhaust the chaos of youth


ti lan yi ge ke wang de da an

Refining a desired answer

而你  是否依然敢瘋敢愛

er ni   shi fou yi ran gan feng gan ai

And do you still dare to be crazy and love?


ming tian jiu hui ming bai

I’ll understand tomorrow.

如果你  如果我   如果回頭看

ru guo ni   ru guo wo    ru guo hui tou kan

If you, if I, if I look back,

會發現  我們像   貪玩的小孩

hui fa xian   wo men xiang    tan wan de xiao hai

You’ll find us like playful kids.

像未來  不再來   像是沒有明天 的去愛

xiang wei lai   bu zai lai    xiang shi mei you ming tian  de qu ai

It’s like the future doesn’t come anymore. It’s like there’s no tomorrow to love.

如果你  如果我   如果能重來

ru guo ni   ru guo wo    ru guo neng zhong lai

If you, if I, if I could do it all over again,

會不會  還依然   像當初勇敢

hui bu hui   hai yi ran    xiang dang chu yong gan

Will it still be as brave as it was?


rang wu hui de qing kong

Let the blue sky without regret   


you wu yin wei lai

There is an infinite future.

誰來過  誰離開  誰和你  留下來

shui lai guo   shui li kai   shui he ni   liu xia lai

Who’s been here, who’s left, who’s stayed with you.


yi sheng yao you duo shao de nian zhuan

How many twists and turns do you have to have in your life?


cai neng zou dao xing fu de bi an

To go to the other side of happiness.

才能  活得此生無恨無憾

cai neng   huo de ci sheng wu hen wu han

To live this life without hate and regret.


ping fan que bu ping dan

Ordinary but not light


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