• Lyricist 词:哇噻小黑@时光列车TimeExpress
  • Composer 曲:园田芳雄@时光列车TimeExpress
  • Arranger 编曲:Juno Heo@Finn music



恍惚的昨天 脑海里慢慢浮现

如约般注定相见 让我们并肩作战


往事如云烟飘散 记忆却烙印心间


曾经的共苦同甘 润色素什锦年




所向披靡勇往无前 谁与我争艳


天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山




坐看袅袅青烟 阅美景绝色诗篇





笑风起云涌 起伏波澜全看淡

身如影变化多端 神似风技艺精湛


虽斜阳青山归远 仍未改翩翩少年


风雪载途亦淡然 信步风起云卷




所向披靡勇往无前 谁与我争艳


天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山





坐看袅袅青烟 阅美景绝色诗篇





天色暗风渐寒 鸟归巢日薄西山





坐看袅袅青烟 阅美景绝色诗篇




gāo tài yǔ :
huǎng hū dí zuó tiān   nǎo hǎi lǐ màn màn fú xiàn
rú yuē bān zhù dìng xiāng jiàn   ràng wǒ mén bìng jiān zuò zhàn
liú rùn nán :
wǎng shì rú yún yān piāo sàn   jì yì què lào yìn xīn jiān
gāo tài yǔ / liú rùn nán :
zēng jīng dí gòng kǔ tóng gān   rùn sè sù shí jǐn nián
áo zǐ yì :
lù tú xiǎn zǔ rèn zhòng dào yuǎn
máng máng rén hǎi cāng hǎi sāng tián
suǒ xiàng pī mí yǒng wǎng wú qián   shuí yǔ wǒ zhēng yàn
gāo tài yǔ :
tiān sè àn fēng jiàn hán   niǎo guī cháo rì báo xī shān
tū pò wàn nán qì shì yì fēi fán
dēng fēng zào jí ào lì zài yún duān
áo zǐ yì :
zuò kàn niǎo niǎo qīng yān   yuè měi jǐng jué sè shī piān
tóng zhōu gòng jì xié shǒu jìn qiān fān
áo zǐ yì / liú rùn nán :
yě yào yǒng qì xiāng bàn liú fāng míng zài chén shì jiān
áo zǐ yì :
xiào fēng qǐ yún yǒng   qǐ fú bō lán quán kàn dàn
shēn rú yǐng biàn huà duō duān   shén sì fēng jì yì jīng zhàn
liú rùn nán :
suī xié yáng qīng shān guī yuǎn   réng wèi gǎi piān piān shǎo nián
áo zǐ yì / liú rùn nán :
fēng xuě zài tú yì dàn rán   xìn bù fēng qǐ yún juàn
gāo tài yǔ :
lù tú xiǎn zǔ rèn zhòng dào yuǎn
máng máng rén hǎi cāng hǎi sāng tián
suǒ xiàng pī mí yǒng wǎng wú qián   shuí yǔ wǒ zhēng yàn
gāo tài yǔ / áo zǐ yì :
tiān sè àn fēng jiàn hán   niǎo guī cháo rì báo xī shān
áo zǐ yì :
tū pò wàn nán qì shì yì fēi fán
dēng fēng zào jí ào lì zài yún duān
gāo tài yǔ :
zuò kàn niǎo niǎo qīng yān   yuè měi jǐng jué sè shī piān
tóng zhōu gòng jì xié shǒu jìn qiān fān
gāo tài yǔ / áo zǐ yì :
yě yào yǒng qì xiāng bàn liú fāng míng zài chén shì jiān
gāo tài yǔ / áo zǐ yì :
tiān sè àn fēng jiàn hán   niǎo guī cháo rì báo xī shān
áo zǐ yì :
tū pò wàn nán qì shì yì fēi fán
hé :
dēng fēng zào jí ào lì zài yún duān
zuò kàn niǎo niǎo qīng yān   yuè měi jǐng jué sè shī piān
tóng zhōu gòng jì xié shǒu jìn qiān fān
yě yào yǒng qì xiāng bàn liú fāng míng zài chén shì jiān


Gao Taiyu:
The trance yesterday, slowly came to mind
Destined to meet as promised, let us fight together
Liu Runnan:
The past is like a cloud of smoke, but the memory is imprinted in the heart
Gao Taiyu/Liu Runnan:
The past years of shared suffering and sweetness
Ao Ziyi:
The road is dangerous and difficult
Vicissitudes of life
Invincible and brave, who will compete with me
Gao Taiyu:
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder
Breaking through all difficulties is also extraordinary
Standing proudly in the clouds
Ao Ziyi:
Sit and watch the smoky smoke, read the beautiful poems
Together in the same boat
Ao Ziyi/Liu Runnan:
I have to be courageous and stay with my name in the world
Ao Ziyi:
Laughing wind surging, the ups and downs are all bearish
The figure is like a shadow and the change is like a wind, and the skill is exquisite
Liu Runnan:
Although the setting sun and the green hills return far away, I still haven't changed the young man
Ao Ziyi/Liu Runnan:
The wind and snow are also indifferent
Gao Taiyu:
The road is dangerous and difficult
Vicissitudes of life
Invincible and brave, who will compete with me
Gao Taiyu/Ao Ziyi:
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder
Ao Ziyi:
Breaking through all difficulties is also extraordinary
Standing proudly in the clouds
Gao Taiyu:
Sit and watch the smoky smoke, read the beautiful poems
Together in the same boat
Gao Taiyu/Ao Ziyi:
I have to be courageous and stay with my name in the world
Gao Taiyu/Ao Ziyi:
The sky is dark and the wind is getting colder
Ao Ziyi:
Breaking through all difficulties is also extraordinary
Standing proudly in the clouds
Sit and watch the smoky smoke, read the beautiful poems
Together in the same boat
I have to be courageous and stay with my name in the world 



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