能否快轉悲傷的五個步驟  直達最後一步是接受

neng fou kuai zhuan bei shang de wu ge bu zhou   zhi da zui hou yi bu shi jie shou

The five steps to turn grief fast forward and the final step is acceptance

讓我終於寬容 沒有你的生活

rang wo zhong yu kuan rong  mei you ni de sheng huo

Let me finally forgive my life without you

可惜我還處在沮喪的盡頭  剛才經過失敗的懇求

ke xi wo hai chu zai ju sang de jin tou   gang cai jing guo shi bai de ken qiu

Unfortunately, I’m still at the end of my frustration after a failed plea

真的很不懂  我做錯了什麼

zhen de hen bu dong   wo zuo cuo le shi me

I really don’t understand what I did wrong


走在第一次牽手那個路口  橘紅的日落催促著我

zou zai di yi ci qian shou na ge lu kou   ju hong de ri luo cui cu zhe wo

Walking at the intersection where I first held hands, the orange sunset urged me

什麼時候才要醒來 練習一個人過

shi me shi hou cai yao xing lai  lian xi yi ge ren guo

When am I going to wake up and practice living alone?


再說  如今這不合時宜的脆弱  也到了畫下句點的段落

zai shuo   ru jin zhe bu he shi yi de cui ruo   ye dao le hua xia ju dian de duan luo

And now, this untimely fragility has come to an end.

下一個關口 我能否當一次收穫

xia yi ge guan kou  wo neng fou dang yi ci shou hu

Will I be able to harvest at the next juncture?


再說  之後這無以名狀的哀愁  總會從時間的牆上剝落

zai shuo   zhi hou zhe wu yi ming zhuang de ai chou   zong hui cong shi jian de qiang shang bao luo

Then again, this inexplicable sorrow will always peel off the wall of time

下一次感動 我能否再一次為愛奔走

xia yi ci gan dong  wo neng fou zai yi ci wei ai ben zou

Can I run for love again next time I feel it?


否認過了憤怒過了 前兩個步驟原來要這麼痛

fou ren guo le fen nu guo le  qian liang ge bu zhou yuan lai yao zhe me tong

After denial and anger, the first two steps will be so painful

高估了自己的勇氣  還在周旋著放棄

gao gu le zi ji de yong qi   hai zai zhou xuan zhe fang qi

I’ve overestimated my courage, and I’m still trying to give up.


在未竟的故事裡還有很多期待  都成為了遺憾

zai wei jing de gu shi li hai you hen duo qi dai   dou cheng wei le yi han

There are still many expectations in the unfinished story, but they have become regrets.

我們編織的那些夢 不願地散開

wo men bian zhi de na xie meng  bu yuan di san kai

The dreams we weave are reluctantly scattered


走在第一次擁抱那個沙灘  畫著當初畫下的圖案

zou zai di yi ci yong bao na ge sha tan   hua zhe dang chu hua xia de tu an
I walked on the beach where I first embraced and drew the pattern I had drawn at the beginning.

我看著海裡的倒映 彷彿你一直在

wo kan zhe hai li de dao ying  pang fu ni yi zhi zai

I look at the reflection in the sea as if you were always there.


別哭  如今這不合時宜的脆弱  也到了畫下句點的段落

bie ku   ru jin zhe bu he shi yi de cui ruo   ye dao le hua xia ju dian de duan luo

Don’t cry… Now this untimely fragility has come to an end.

下一個關口 我選擇當一次收穫

xia yi ge guan kou  wo xuan ze dang yi ci shou hu

I choose to be a harvest at the next juncture


別哭  之後這無以名狀的哀愁  總會從時間的牆上剝落

bie ku   zhi hou zhe wu yi ming zhuang de ai chou   zong hui cong shi jian de qiang shang bao luo

Don’t cry… afterwards, this inexplicable sorrow will always peel off the wall of time

下一次感動 我值得再一次為愛奔走

xia yi ci gan dong  wo zhi de zai yi ci wei ai ben zou

The next time I’m moved, I’m worth running for love again


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