Composer 詞曲  吳青峰


病房裡面有點暗 病人們正流著汗

bing fang li mian you dian an  bing ren men zheng liu zhe han

It’s a little dark in the room. the patients are sweating.


qiang shang biao ben yi zi pai kai

The specimen are lined up on the wall.


生命只剩下意外 人性帶來的清單

sheng ming zhi sheng xia yi wai  ren xing dai lai de qing dan

Life is left with a list of unexpected human nature.


yu wang he kong ju ge yi ban

Desire is half as much as fear.



feng chui le qi lai

The wind blows

每個腦袋 各懷鬼胎

mei ge nao dai  ge huai gui tai

Every head has a ghost.


我們 漸漸脫水 蒸發不見

wo men  jian jian tuo shui  zheng fa bu jian

We’re getting dehydrated and evaporated.

人們 自艾自憐 屢見不鮮

ren men  zi ai zi lian  lu jian bu xian

It’s not uncommon for people to feel sorry for themselves.


我情願不理解 我情願不體檢

wo qing yuan bu li jie  wo qing yuan bu ti jian

I’d rather not understand. I’d rather not have a physical.


wo qing yuan bu she lie

I’d rather not get involved.

我情願被淪陷 我情願被愧對

wo qing yuan bei lun xian  wo qing yuan bei kui dui

I’d rather be lost. I’d rather be unworthy.


wo qing yuan bei hui mie

I’d rather be destroyed.


你的嘴到你的肺 一樁失蹤的案件

ni de zui dao ni de fei  yi zhuang shi zong de an jian

Your mouth to your lungs. a missing case.


bing du cheng wei mei tiao xian wei

The virus becomes every fiber

你是你罪惡的賊 它一向貪得無厭

ni shi ni zui e de zei  ta yi xiang tan de wu yan

You’re your criminal thief. he’s always greedy.


diao bu chu jian shi qi hua mian

I can’t pull the monitor.



you yi zhi wu ya

There’s a crow.

咿咿哎哎 叫了起來

yi yi ai ai  jiao le qi lai



那傷害刮起的風 它想我退縮

na shang hai gua qi de feng  ta xiang wo tui suo

The wind that hurts, it wants me to back down.

只是一場偏頭痛 一塊小息肉

zhi shi yi chang pian tou tong  yi kuai xiao xi rou

It’s just a migraine. a little polyps.

你看我們的天空 染上了傷風

ni kan wo men de tian kong  ran shang le shang feng

You see, our sky has a cold.

虹色彗星在空中 打壞了兆頭

hong se hui xing zai kong zhong  da huai le zhao tou

The iridescent comet broke the sign in the air.

你越是不珍惜的 你越是要求

ni yue shi bu zhen xi de  ni yue shi yao qiu

The more you don’t value, the more you ask.

眼睜睜看我們 漸漸脫水 蒸發不見

yan zheng zheng kan wo men  jian jian tuo shui  zheng fa bu jian

And watch us get dehydrated and evaporated.

人們 自艾自憐 屢見不鮮

ren men  zi ai zi lian  lu jian bu xian

It’s not uncommon for people to feel sorry for themselves.


我情願不理解 我情願不體檢

wo qing yuan bu li jie  wo qing yuan bu ti jian

I’d rather not understand. I’d rather not have a physical.


wo qing yuan bu she lie

I’d rather not get involved.

我情願被淪陷 我情願被愧對

wo qing yuan bei lun xian  wo qing yuan bei kui dui

I’d rather be lost. I’d rather be unworthy.


wo qing yuan bei hui mie

I’d rather be destroyed.


傷風是一陣煙 它傷了你心肺

shang feng shi yi zhen yan  ta shang le ni xin fei

The cold is a smoke. it hurts your heart and lungs.


shang de rang wo zou yuan

It makes me go far.


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