Movie Title: The Knight of Shadows Between Yin and Yang 神探蒲松龄
Origin: China
Duration: 1 hr. 48 min.
Release Date: Feb 5, 2019
A wholesome and legendary tale that follows Pu Songling as he fights monsters and solves murder cases. After receiving a judgment in the afterlife, literary author Pu Song Ling evolves into a godly detective. The people of a village live in fear as young women have started to disappear. Leading a gang of demons into the fray, Pu Songling joins hands with constable Yan Fei to investigate the case. In their quest for the truth, they encounter a passionate romance.
- Jackie Chan as Pu Song Ling
- Ethan Juan as Ning Cai Chen
- Elaine Zhong as Nie Xiao Qian
- Austin Lin as Yan Fei
- Lin Peng as Jing Yao
- Kingdom Yuen as Lady Chu
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