Drama Title: Youth Should Be Early 青春须早为, Qing Chun Xu Zao Wei
Episodes: 47
Released: 2021
Origin: China
The drama tells the story of a group of friends who recently graduated from the university. During their graduation ceremony, Cheng Xin introduces her friend Zheng Gan, but is surprisingly rejected. While Cheng Xin goes to work at her family business, Zheng Gan finds it difficult to find a job until Cheng Xin secretly helps him conduct an interview without him knowing. But when the truth comes to light, he not only loses his job and reputation in the field, but the relationship between him and Cheng Xin is also destroyed. Will they find love through their journey through life?
- Hu YiTian as Zheng Gan
- Elaine Zhong as Cheng Xin
- Lu Peng as Kong Hao
- Zhang Han Wen
- An Yong Chang as Meng Xixi
- David Liang as Chu Yunfei
- Liu Qi Heng as Xiao Bao
- Hu Dan Dan as Yao Jiaren
- Michael Mao as George
- Ou Yang Jia as You You
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